Monday, 9 August 2010

Un sejour a Nice!

The thing that's impressed me most about Nice - where I've been on French bootcamp - is its absolutely superb public transport system.  Cheap (1 euro for as many journeys in the region as you can embark on in 74 minutes, or 15 euros for unlimited travel for a week), quick, super punctual, air-conditioned, and actually quite entertaining.
Heaven knows how much it costs to run: the public subsidy must be absolutely enormous.    And unlike the Paris metro and RER, it's clean and relatively odour-free....

The other thing which always impresses me about France are the supermarkets.  I've roamed around supermarkets all over the world:  from British Colombia to Bombay via Malawi, Abu Dhabi, and Venice - and my inescapable conclusion is that America's supermarkets are the worst and French ones the best.  It is all the more impressive if what our French teacher told us today is true: that there is a law in France which set minimum wholesale prices on certain goods.  Effectively this allows the State to intervene in the market, to reduce the advantages of purchasing power enjoyed by the big supermarket chains over smaller producers and retailers.  Kind of a modern day Corn Law....

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